Customer Appreciation

Olivia runs a small flower shop, specialized in roses, and was looking for a gift for her walk-in customers. Her goal was to increase retention and try to collect their contacts.

She had set a budget for a campaign. Transforming walk-ins into regular buyers can mean a lot to her small business, and she would love something they can keep, cherish, and remember her business name.


The Track My Backpack tag is perfect for Olivia's flower shop. It has an extra QR Code that leads to a custom page on her website. She will be able to customize that page whenever she wants, with different specials and season offers.

The back of the tag is the Track My Backpack Code and Olivia will get the emails and consent of the registrants. They will want to keep the tag with their keys or bags, and they will know the front code leads to her flower shop specials page.
When they think about buying flowers, Olivia's shop will be on the top of their minds.
Let's explore ideas for your business?

OLIVIA flower shop Campaign at a glance

Customer Appreciation

Olivia knows how hard it is to grab attention with promotional items. This one will.

Lead Generation

Olivia will access the collected email addresses, with the consent to contact, of every tag that is registered. No other promotional item offers her that.

Let's work together?

Thank you for your interest. We will get back to you in a jiff!